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Why Patching the Eye and Wearing Black Goggles Post-Cataract Surgery is Necessary.

Cataract surgery is one of the most common and successful surgical procedures happening in a real-time scenario. Therefore, it is a tremendous factor in checking preventable blindness in India and abroad. With the advent of modern technologies, the success rate of the procedure is skyrocketing. Yet, the required post-operative care is quintessential for a seamless and uncomplicated recovery. Here comes the use of an eye patch immediately after the surgical procedure and black goggles thereafter.

Patching the Eye: Protecting the Surgical Site

Patching is done to provide immediate protection to the vulnerable surgical site. Although the surgeon, with the aid of the latest technologies, attempts a micro-incision for the surgical procedure, it requires time to seal and eventually heal. The eye becomes vulnerable to infection once its natural entity is intervened. Hence, to protect it from dust, microbes, and other foreign body particles, immediate patching is advised to draw a veil to their entry.

  • Preventing Accidental Contact:

    Preventing Accidental Contact: The after-effect of any surgical procedure is mild discomfort and irritation, so is in post-cataract surgery. This instantly urges the patient to rub or touch his eyes, which is most likely to interfere with the natural healing process. Hence, the patch prevents any such accidental touch or trauma to the vulnerable wound and also helps in the settling down of the intraocular lens (IOL) without complication within the eye.

  • Minimizing Light Sensitivity:

    Preventing Accidental Contact: The after-effect of any surgical procedure is mild discomfort and irritation, so is in post-cataract surgery. This instantly urges the patient to rub or touch his eyes, which is most likely to interfere with the natural healing process. Hence, the patch prevents any such accidental touch or trauma to the vulnerable wound and also helps in the settling down of the intraocular lens (IOL) without complication within the eye.

Wearing Black Goggles: Continued Protection and Comfort

  • Protecting From Bright Light:

The initial patching post-surgery is not enough for the eye to adapt to the increased light sensitivity overnight. For a gradual and smooth adaptation, black goggles are advised. These filter out excessive light, thereby giving time to heal and time to adapt.

  • Preventing The Entry Of Dust And Debris:

Protection with vision is the two-fold aim of the goggles. Black goggles veil the eyes post-operatively, yet maintain the patient’s affordable vision. Now the patient can see clearly from a distance but the entry of dust, pollen, microbes, and other foreign particles is prohibited, which could otherwise cause infection.

  • Ensuring Proper Healing:

UV light rays are extremely harmful to the normal functioning of the eyes. Post-surgery, they become more vulnerable. These goggles safeguard the eyes against the potential damage caused due to the exposure to sun’s UV rays, thereby ensuring a healthier recovery process.

  • Reducing Eye Strain:

Post-surgery, eyes are sensitive to prolonged exposure to bright screens, light, or outdoor environments. These goggles reduce the intensity of visual stimuli, thereby, eventually reducing eye strain. So that the patient carries on with their daily outdoor activities without discomfort. He then need not refrain from walking out of the house.

Returning to Work: Factors Influencing Recovery Time


When to return to work after the surgery largely depends upon the patient’s nature of the job, the type of IOL implanted, and the individual’s overall health condition. In case the patient’s job does not involve exposure to dust and debris or hectic manual strenuous work, he can return to the job within a week with the prior consent of the Consultant.

Type of Lens and Recovery:

 Intraocular lenses implanted are basically of two types- monofocal lenses and multifocal lenses. A monofocal lens clears only distant vision but for near vision, glasses are required, while multifocal lenses are designed such that they correct vision at multiple distances. The patient with a monofocal lens implanted may face problems with fine near work until glasses are prescribed for near work, while those with multifocal lenses may return to work comfortably much faster with vision clear at distant and near.

Postoperative Care:

Abiding by postoperative care or precautions is mandatory for a smooth and uncomplicated recovery. Even if one chooses to return to work a bit quickly, the scheduled post-operative care may comprise of on-time use of prescribed medicines, avoiding lifting heavy weights, wearing protective eyewear as advised, and prohibiting exposure to dust, smoke, and microbes, trauma of any kind, and UV rays or infrared rays. The precautions are quintessential for a quicker recovery and more comfortable return to their daily routine.

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